Bessie A. Mathew
February 15, 1980 - October 11, 2021

Who is Bessie?
Just like love cannot be properly described in words, words cannot describe Bessie.
You’d have to experience her.
When she loves, she loves unconditionally. When she gives, she gives abundantly. When she cries, she cries prayerfully. SHE IS JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUL.
Her priorities in life are to be a good Christian, a good wife, a good mother, a good sister, a good aunt, a good daughter and a good friend. The time she puts in to meeting each of these roles is just unbelievable. Even in the midst of her own troubles and problems, she finds time and energy to make others happy. SHE IS JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING.
What she cherishes most are her children. Rebekah and Ezra are blessed to have her as a mother. She always sang the song “You are my sunshine” to them when putting them to sleep as babies. The lyrics of that song summed up what they mean to her, especially the part where it says “You make me happy when skies are gray.” Even through times of sickness and pain, they were the only reason she’d smile and continue on. Even though she was scared of her first chemo treatment, she said: “I need to do this so that I can live and see my children grow.” Her love for them is irreplaceable. She’d pray for them every morning and night. She’d fast for their well-being. She’d teach them to be kind people above anything else. She’d protect them till her very last breath. SHE IS JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOTHER.
If there is anyone in this world she loves more, in every sense of the word, it would be her husband. She calls him “hunny kutta.” He calls her his “angel” and his “rib.” She loves him endlessly. The inscription that she put in his wedding ring is “Endless Love.” She taught him what true love is. She taught him to be a better man. She taught him how to be strong, how to be brave, how to be kind, how to be loving, how to be prayerful. Her husband will love no one else in this universe more than her. Her husband will miss no one else in this universe more than her. Her husband will never find as much happiness in anyone else more than her. Her husband will never find anyone more beautiful in this universe than her. SHE IS JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WIFE.
The world really lost an angel on earth. It lost a beautiful daughter. It lost a beautiful sister. It lost a beautiful wife. It lost a beautiful mother. It lost a beautiful aunt. It lost a beautiful employee. It lost a beautiful friend. The world just lost a little bit of its beauty.
But when we are no longer in this world, we will see that beautiful soul again. We will see that beautiful human being again. We will see that beautiful mother again. We will see that beautiful wife again. We will see beautiful Bessie again. We will because she’s with the One who is the reason for all her beauty.
Thank you, God, for being with her. Thank you, God, for the time we had with her in this world. YOU ARE JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GOD.
- Eulogy written by Jiji Mathew, husband of Bessie