About Us
What is the Bessie Mathew Foundation?
Effective February 4, 2022, the Bessie Mathew Foundation is an official 501(c)(3) public charity. This means that donors like you can deduct contributions made to us on your taxes under IRC Section 170. We will provide you tax receipts for all contributions of $100 and above. Our EIN is 87-4820003.
We are registered on GuideStar (click here to see our GuideStar page).
Our Mission
To provide women and their families help, hope and healing to overcome suffering in their cancer journey. Click here to learn more.
Our Vision
Our vision is to honor the life of Bessie Mathew by continuing to empower and support women facing cancer through various services and tools including financial, educational, health and life resources, care packages, counseling coordination, and tuition assistance. Click here to learn more.